Shoreline Ringers is Alive and Well!!
What does a pandemic practice look like? Shoreline Ringers gathered together yesterday, August 30th for the first time in over 5 months, and it was full of good natured ribbing, smiles, annual meeting, games, prizes, birthday cake to celebrate all the birthdays we missed in the last 5 months and, of course, ringing. Our supply list has changed dramatically. We had, a remote thermometer, hand sanitizers, wipes, masks and, of course, clean gloves. In order to ring with social distancing, we needed 78’ of tables, foam and coverings, binders and music for each ringer, wipes for each ringer and, very importantly, individual small bags of M&Ms!
Practicing for the sake of practicing is not much fun if you have no goal in sight. As you can see under the list of events, we do have some holiday concerts scheduled. Who knows what the near future holds, but if we are not able to perform live in the venues listed, there is always Plan B. Stay tuned!!