Inspirational …….well executed…….technically brilliant………superb musicianship. These are just a few words to describe the outstanding concert the Shoreline Ringers presented at North Stonington Congregational Church in their last concert of the 2013 Christmas season on January 5, 2014, which was appropriately, Epiphany Sunday.

The Shoreline Ringers played to a packed sanctuary and the audience was mesmerized by this outstanding group of musicians. The audience ranged from people who have never seen handbells to people who I call “Shoreline groupies”, who have never missed one of their concerts.
My own choirs at the church were in utter amazement by this handbell ensemble. Others were heard saying “I did not know that bells could sound like that” and “Where are they playing next?” to comments such as “We have to have them back here again!”
This concert brought people from all over the region to our little village church and the sense of community was joyful. The ringers are the friendliest people and were more than happy to show audience members the handbells up close at the conclusion of the concert.
Director, Jane Nolan’s ability to program such a diverse and entertaining program, shows just one of her many skills in the art of handbells. Her outstanding conducting combined with the ringers’ expertise, showcased the Shoreline Ringers ability to ring with musical precision, demonstrating clean attacks and brilliant releases.
This was a wonderful Christmas gift to the community of North Stonington.
Michael G. Noonan
Director of Music / Organist
North Stonington Congregational Church (UCC)
North Stonington, CT