Shoreline Ringers go to Festival Conference

/ October 26, 2013

IMG_1075IMG_1078IMG_1080IMG_1084Screen Shot 2013-10-26 at 5.43.37 PMIMG_1009Many members of Shoreline Ringers helped out in any number of ways.  Some of us were helping unload or load bells into the moving vans, distributing all that stuff to classroom, or gathering it up.  Robin and Laura were doing their part after the Sunday worship service.  Never have you seen such well dressed moving people.


Andy and James also helping move  several tons of bells.




There were also a large portion of Shoreline Ringers instructors.  Jane had a few classes to teach, and I managed to catch her in the act.




Lauren had a very well received ‘problem solving’ class.  Here she is explaining certain techniques and how (and when) to use them.



Pete had the first-ever Youth Kamikaze Ringing sessions.  They learned a single piece and nearly had it to performance level after 70 minutes.


Of course, we also like to bring our charming personalities to the ringing floor.



IMG_1035Between teaching, moving bells, and ringing on the floor, we all did some continuing education.  Here’s Mike Steele enjoying the Bass Bells class.  Two years ago, he taught the class, but we never stop learning!  And besides, who can you learn from better than the guys who ring more bass bells than anyone in the world, the Raleigh Ringers?

IMG_1095Mike also took on the responsibility of picking up 13 SETS of bells from all over southern New England.  He had a 24 foot moving truck for all that stuff.   It doesn’t have the impressive flair of the Raleigh truck, but it was still a lot of stuff.



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