Tag Archives: Praise

Who said what?

“People are still talking about the concert. It’s hard to put into words the universal enjoyment of and appreciation for the concert, but here is a sample:

testimonialThe concert was a historic for our church, the best attended and most positively received event we have ever had. Immediately after the concert, one person asked “How soon can we book this group again?”

Another asked “Where can I find their schedule so that I can hear them again?”

A member of the church wanted to book them for a concert at a church in Hartford.

People were deeply impressed by the group’s skill, enthusiasm, and friendliness. People loved being included through the sing along with Silver Bells and the question and answer time. It was a night when not only the church but the whole community seemed to feel closer as a result of your program.”

Bill Kirkpatrick
Somers Congregational Church
Somers, CT

Local Praise

news-central-baptist“For the fifth consecutive year, we were privileged to include the Shoreline Ringers as a part of the Music at Central concert series. True to form, the Shoreline Ringers drew a large, enthusiastic crowd who began arriving forty minutes before the concert. I always promise the audience that they will be delighted that they chose to attend that concert. At the conclusion of the concert, the crowd was on their feet with a thunderous standing ovation and Jane Nolan had difficulty getting them quieted for an encore.
I would describe their latest concert with this single word: “Brilliant”. I have been involved with handbells for more than twenty years, as a director, as a State Chair for the Guild and I have seen and heard some tremendous handbell ensembles. This group ranks with the best of the best.
I was captivated with their technical precision, thrilled with their musicality and indeed pleased they had again agreed to perform at Central Baptist Church.”
David C. Warfield
Director of Music